Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lets cross over...

This being my first blog lemme talk about what my blogger name "attraversiamo" means...for those who haven't seen Eat, Pray, Love or read it, the word - Italian by origin - means crossing over or passing through.

I think the gist of our lives lies in this phrase which has kept lingering in my mind even before i came through it in the movie..(though i haven't yet seen it completely) Be it a situation where you are stuck, indecisive about whether you'll be able to make it or not, whether you are right or not...plunge into the sea of the unknown because in it lies the excitement, the love, the pleasures of the universe..restricting or reprimanding ourself for each of your actions binds us in darkness..a closed shell created by our fears. Just thinking that yeah i can cross this hurdle, can win over everything brings us the ultimate joy of life..From darkness to light, from gloom to happiness, from hurt to love, from harshness to compassion, we all have a chance to choose and the choice should be to cross over, to take risks, to live life the way one should.

I remember one of the fables i read as a child in which the phrase "this too shall pass" makes a man take up each challenge that comes his way getting inspired by this simple line. Each time you think you are under a cloud of sadness, and can't see through, remember that it will pass..not that you don't make any efforts..but keep trying, keep pushing away the clouds and emerge a winner...

Whenever i have to do something new..even simple things like talking to a new person or learning something i have never seen or heard of..i hesitate..and i know this would be the case with many of us..but this is the thought that comes to my mind that i need to cross...cross my own bridge between ignorance and enlightment..and i take up that thing with joy and knowledge that successful or not, i made a move, i gave it a try...:) Lets not stay in a dormant state, taking our life for granted; and act..or poetically - cross over...!!